2516 Palm Sreet

Bakersfield, CA 93304

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St. Francis Parish School


Curiculum Overview


At St. Franis Parish School, we prepare our students for a child's future academic endeavors at the high school and college levels. In each of our two classrooms per grade, our passionate teachers create an exciting and challenging environment. With our maximum student-teacher ratio of 24:1, your child will have the opportunity to unlock their full potential.


From Kindergarten to Grade 8, we offer a rigorous curriculum consisting of the following programs:


    Math Science English Reading, Writing & Comprehension Religion Social Studies


    Physical Education Art Music Computers Spanish iPad & Chromebook integrated learning


St Francis Parish School Curiculum Overview


St. Francis Parish School provides excellence in Catholic education by preparing critical thinking, disciplined, active Christian leaders. Our curriculum is based on strong State and National Educational Standards and delivered using evidence based teaching strategies. Our school is committed to Chromebook integrated learning so that our students can develop digital literacy and keyboarding skills which are essential tools for successful 21st century learning. We are encouraging Social Emotional growth through a new Catholic program Friendzy. We build catholic identity through our actions, practicing monthly virtues, and with the support of our religion program with Sadlier, Christ in Us (K-5) & Sadlier, We Believe curriculum (6-8).

The other core subjects taught include reading/literature, English, math, science, social studies, PLTW (STEM), as well as enrichment programs like art, music, physical education, and handwriting. A variety of teaching methods and assessments are used for these subjects. Courses are delivered with direct instruction as well as via Google Classroom with Chromebooks for integrated technology. All students, K-8, are taught the Saxon Math curriculum which spirals by constantly reviewing what students have previously learned. Math STAR tests show our 8th grade students typically score at the high school level or above. Our English Language Arts (ELA) programs vary by grade level. K-2 uses Superkids which is a comprehensive reading program engaging students with different characters as they learn new sounds and take off reading. Grades 3-5 use HMH Journeys and 6-8 uses Collections. We also supplement Grammar in grades 3-8 using lessons from Voyages in English. For the past 3 years we have incorporated the Jane Schaffer Writing Method as our school wide writing program. We also supplement math and ELA through online activities on Freckle. In K-4 we use Studies Weekly and outside resources for social studies and science. In 5th grade science we are piloting a hands on curriculum, Foss, and in 6-8th we now use Amplify Science, which was designed and developed by educators from UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science. Our Spanish curriculum is delivered using direct instruction along with popular programs like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone.

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